The MARVOW project developed and implemented a comprehensive multiagency cooperation model for working with older women victims of abuse. It did so by bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from relevant sectors of activity (eldercare, healthcare, protection and social services, judiciary and police) to identify the gaps within current systems that hinder their ability to serve older victims adequately. MARVOW project assisted these actors in implementing direct interventions to support victims and work with perpetrators to try and break the cycle of violence. The model was extensively evaluated before being disseminated to a wide audience of policymakers and service providers in partner countries (Austria, Estonia, Greece, Germany) and throughout Europe for replication.
The Project Team
Austrian Women’s Shelter Network (AÖF)
is a network of autonomous women’s shelters in Austria. The AÖF office coordinates networking among partners and undertakes information sharing and lobbying with all groups working in the field of DV and GBV. It also runs the Austrian National Helpline for women victims of all forms of violence. AÖF act as the lead partner and coordinate WP1
Women’s Support and Information Centre (WISC)
was the first women’s shelter in Estonia, offering comprehensive assistance to victims of domestic violence. In the past 12 years, WSIC has developed close collaborations with the Tartu police, the Estonian Social Insurance Board and Tartu prosecutor’s office. WSIC has worked on nine international projects during this time, including 6 Daphne projects and coordinated WP2 of MARVOW
Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (UWAH)
works on protecting and advocating for women’s and children’s rights. UWAH coordinates WP3 of MARVOW. It has a Memorandum of collaboration with 3 Municipalities at Heraklion Prefect (Chersonisos Municipality, Festos Municipality, Viannos Municipality), and their social service executives are regularly trained and supervised by UWAH’s staff. UWAH holds a continuous collaboration with Hellenic Police (Heraklion Department) and the Regional Authority of Crete (Member of the Regional Gender Council) and is a member of the Heraklion Municipality Gender Council. UWAH has worked in 3 DAPHNE projects, 2 ERASMUS+ KA2 projects and 1 EEA GRANTS project (as Lead Partner)
University of Tartu (UT)
partners through the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, which has conducted research on domestic violence in Estonia (currently involved in 2 ERASMUS and 2 DAPHNE projects on domestic violence). UT operates the largest national hospital, which helps giving access to stakeholders in the healthcare system. UT has also extensive experience in evaluation and is responsible for WP4.
Women against Violence Europe (WAVE)
is a European network of over 150 women’s organisations working in 46 European countries, most of which work as service providers for women victims of DV and their children. Served by its wide outreach capacity and its long-standing expertise in EU-wide dissemination, WAVE will be responsible for disseminating project information and outcomes on the EU level. WAVE coordinates WP 5.
European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (WWP EN)
is a European network of 60 organisations in 32 European countries, including perpetrators programmes, researchers, as well as victim support services. WWP EN contributes to the project with its expertise and connections in the field of working with perpetrators of violence, to involve stakeholders in multi-agency cooperation on the national level.
Associate Partners & Supporters
Associate partners and supporters participate in the project activities, to create solutions
that can be applicable in specific context for local communities in:
Austria Ministry of Social Affairs (BMASGK), Ministry of the Interior (BMI), Center for Family-Therapy and men counselling of the municipality in Linz and the Association Pro Senectute Austria.
Estonia Social Insurance Board (SIB), Tartu’s and Narva’s Social Services Departments and the Eastern Prefecture of the Police and Border Guard Board.
Greece 7th Health Regional Authority of Crete, 3 Heraklion Prefect Municipalities (Chersonisos Municipality, Festos Municipality, Viannos Municipality), Frederic University of Cyprus.
Germany District Office Marzahn-Hellersdorf von Berlin – Women and Gender Equality officers, Bezirksamt Marzahn-Hellersdort von Berlin – Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte.